Because Only Together We Can

Build a World Where All Are Safe, Strong & Valued

Who We Are

Vibrant Samudra is a group of entrepreneurs, from diverse business backgrounds focused on voluntarily giving back to the society  through their initiatives.

Our Mission

Be the Foundation for Social Change and Inclusion works for the social development and integration of individuals, groups and communities in Goa.

Our Vision

We believe that every person has the right to access resources and opportunities in order to live and develop with dignity and to become an active and contributing member of our society.

our objectives

Social Development

To work for the social development of underprivileged individuals and groups

Individual Development

To encourage individual development and social integration in community through sports, cultural events.

Promote Entrepreneurship

To promote entrepreneurship through training, guidance and mentoring.

Voluntary Work

To encourage voluntary work.

our New initiative


Your Online catalogue for order processing and a portal for finding your service provider

The Call Care Cart is a  Android Mobile Application which provides an online digital store and service providers on a no-profit basis in the state of Goa (India) only, to users in need. 

It is a mobile application that facilitates the interaction between the users and the service providers. 

Stay Home. Stay Safe.

our sponsors